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Touchscreen Controls

RotateSingle-finger drag
Move and RotateOn-screen joysticks
Spawn or drop penTap on the pen button
Rotate objectDrag fingerAfter pressing and holding the "rotate" button in the object's menu
Toggle menusTwo-fingered tap

Keyboard and Mouse Controls

MoveArrow or W, A, S, D keys
TurnQ and E or left mouse button
TeleportRight mouse button
Toggle fly modeG or type /fly in chat
Move fasterShiftIn conjunction with using other keys to move
Show menusHold Space
Toggle menusTab
Toggle UI` (backtick key)
Toggle microphone muteM
Focus chatT
Inspect your avatarI
Focus on media or someone's avatarFHover over the media or someone's avatar you'd like to inspect
Rotate objectMove mouseAfter pressing and holding the "rotate" button in the object's menu
Scale objectShift + Mouse wheelWhile holding an object
Move object closer/awayMouse wheelWhile holding an object
Drop pen or cameraRight mouse button or EscapeWhile holding a pen or camera
Next/previous pen colorShift + E, Shift + QWhile holding a pen
Change pen sizeShift + Mouse wheelWhile holding a pen
Undo pen strokeCtrl + ZWhile holding a pen
Take photoLeft mouse buttonWhile holding a camera
Increase/decrease media volumeMouse wheelWhile hovering over media
Exit camera mirror modeEscape
Search the webCtrl-[1-7]
Spawn from ChatCtrl-EnterWhile typing into chat box
I'm Feeling LuckyCtrl-EnterWhile searching content
EmotesNumbers 1-7

Oculus Quest 2

MoveLeft controller thumbstick
TurnRight controller thumbstick
Move fasterB or Y buttons to move faster
TeleportRight controller trigger
Show menusHold A or XWhile hovering an object
Rotate objectRotate controllerAfter pressing A or X and holding the "rotate" button in the object's menu
Grab objectGrip/trigger button on either controller
Move object closer/awayUp/down on right thumbstickWhile holding an object with trigger
Hold penRight gripWhile hovering a pen
Right triggerTriggerWhile holding a pen
Next/previous pen colorLeft/right on thumbstickWhile holding a pen
Change pen sizeUp/down on thumbstickWhile holding a pen
Undo pen strokeB or Y buttonWhile holding a pen
Take photoTriggerWhile the camera is open
Increase/decrease media volumeTriggerWhile hovering over media, using the media controls
Move to seatTriggerWhile hovering a seat
Leave VROulus button

Oculus Touch Controls

You can also use the keyboard keys listed above while using your Oculus Rift.

MoveLeft controller thumbstick
TurnRight controller thumbstick
Move fasterB or Y buttons to move faster
Show menusHold A or X
Rotate objectRotate controllerAfter pressing and holding the "rotate" button in the object's menu
Grab objectGrip button on either controller
Scale objectMove both hands together or apart while holding objectWhile holding an object
Move object closer/awayUp/down on right thumbstickWhile holding an object with cursor
Draw with penTriggerWhile holding a pen
Next/previous pen colorLeft/right on thumbstickWhile holding a pen
Change pen sizeUp/down on thumbstickWhile holding a pen
Undo pen strokeB or Y buttonWhile holding a pen
Take photoTriggerWhile holding a camera
Increase/decrease media volumeUp/down on right thumbstickWhile hovering over media

Vive Controls

You can also use the keyboard keys listed above while using your Vive.

MoveLeft controller touchpad
TurnRight controller touchpad
Move fasterPress top of touchpad
TeleportPress center of touchpadWhile holding pen
Show menusPress and hold center of touchpad on right controller
Rotate objectRotate controllerAfter pressing and holding the "rotate" button in the object's menu
Grab objectGrip button on either controller
Scale objectMove both hands together or apart while holding objectWhile holding an object
Move object closer/awaySwipe up/down on right touchpadWhile holding an object with cursor
Draw with penTriggerWhile holding a pen
Next/previous pen colorUp/down on touchpadWhile holding a pen
Change pen sizeSwipe left/right on touchpadWhile holding a pen
Undo pen strokePress top of touchpadWhile holding a pen
Take photoTriggerWhile holding a camera
Increase/decrease media volumePress up/down on right touchpadWhile hovering over media

Windows Mixed Reality Controls

You can also use the keyboard keys listed above while using your Windows Mixed Reality headset.

Move Left controller joystick
Turn Right controller joystick
Move fasterTrigger
TeleportRight controller joystick up
Show menusPress and hold center of touchpad on left or right controller
Press buttonTriggerWhile cursor is on button
Rotate objectRotate controllerAfter pressing and holding the "rotate" button in the object's menu
Grab objectGrip button on either controller
Scale objectMove both hands together or apart while holding objectWhile holding an object
Move object closer/awayPress bottom/top of touchpad on right controllerWhile holding an object with cursor
Draw with penTriggerWhile holding a pen
Next/previous pen colorPress right/left on touchpadWhile holding a pen
Change pen sizeSwipe up/down on touchpadWhile holding a pen
Undo pen strokePress center of touchpadWhile holding a pen
Take photoTriggerWhile holding a camera

Oculus Go and Samsung Gear VR Controls

TurnTouchpad left/right
Show menusPress and hold center of touchpad on right controller
Grab objectTrigger
Move object closer/awaySwipe up/down on touchpadWhile holding an object
Drop pen or cameraPress center of touchpadWhile holding a pen or camera
Draw with penTriggerWhile holding a pen
Next/previous pen colorLeft/right on touchpadWhile holding a pen
Change pen sizeSwipe left/right on touchpadWhile holding a pen
Undo pen strokePress top of touchpadWhile holding a pen
Take photoTriggerWhile holding a camera
Increase/decrease media volumeScroll up/down on touchpadWhile hovering over media

Google Daydream Controls

TurnTouchpad left/right
Grab objectPress center of touchpad
Rotate objectRotate controllerAfter pressing and holding the "rotate" button in the object's menu
Move object closer/awaySwipe up/down on touchpadWhile holding an object
Drop pen or cameraPress center of touchpadWhile holding a pen or camera
Draw with penPress top of touchpadWhile holding a pen
Next/previous pen colorPress left/right on touchpadWhile holding a pen
Change pen sizeSwipe left/right on touchpadWhile holding a pen
Undo pen strokePress top of touchpadWhile holding a pen
Move pen closer/awaySwipe up/down on touchpadWhile holding a pen
Take photoPress top of touchpadWhile holding a camera
Increase/decrease media volumeScroll up/down on touchpadWhile hovering over media

Gamepad Controls

MoveLeft thumbstick
Move fasterLeft trigger
TurnLeft/right bumper. Right thumbstick
Show menusHold Up on D-pad
Toggle menusStart/Menu button
Grab objectRight Trigger
Rotate objectMove cursorAfter pressing and holding the "rotate" button in the object's menu
Move object closer/awayUp/down on left joystick while holding left triggerWhile holding an object
Spawn penY
Drop penBWhile holding a pen
Draw with penRight TriggerWhile holding a pen
Next/previous pen colorA/XWhile holding a pen
Undo pen strokeYWhile holding a pen